Classroom Examples

Classroom Examples of Spreadsheet Collaboration



Boiling Point Experiment


1)    Students boil water and record the temperature at which water boils.

2)    Each group adds a measured amount of salt to their mixture and records the boiling point.  Each group has a different amount.

3)    All of the results are posted to a Google spreadsheet. This serves as a reference for the class so accuracy is important.


Now, comes the mystery mixture.

Each group has an amount of mystery mixture and records the boiling point. How much salt was in that mystery mixture?



Forest of Reading


1)    Buy the books and support Canadian authors, illustrators and your school's resource centre.

2)    Read the books.

3)    Have students vote for their favourite.  Collect them online.

4)    Collect the results and present them in Google Spreadsheet format.

5)    Students access the data in the spreadsheet and chart results in Google Spreadsheets or Fathom or Tinkerplots


Here is live data from one school's Blue Spruce results

Clean it up a bit and you have