

Page history last edited by Doug Peterson 8 years, 2 months ago

Doug Peterson's PL Wiki


This wiki is designed to assist in Professional Learning activities. Unlike regular webpages (of which I've created many...), this Wiki will allow you to continue the conversation long after the workshop is over. This material was moved over from a previous resource and I thank everyone who had contributed before. 


Need a handout? Just log in to the wiki and scroll to the bottom for Page Information. You'll find the option to generate a printable version of the current page.  Go for it.


If you find a resource or create one yourself that enhances or clarifies topics, please share it. Create a PBWiki account and go for it.  I appreciate all edits, contributions, and corrections.


Custom Search

This is my Google Custom Search. Use it to search my blog, Delicious and Diigo bookmarks and the GEC Computers in the Classroom Website which I used to maintain. (and yours, if you care to add it to the list. It's open.)











Other things of potential interest:







How does all this work?


How Wikis work















Creative Commons License

Doug Peterson's PD Wiki by Doug Peterson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License.








Comments (3)

Anonymous said

at 9:47 am on Oct 1, 2009

Hi Doug, how do I create a wiki?

Smitty said

at 5:27 pm on Nov 30, 2009

Doug I am finally getting to your wiki. I was at ECOO and love your stuff. Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us.

Judy Martyniuk said

at 2:10 pm on Oct 25, 2010

You don't have permission to comment on this page.