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Gadgets for your website

Page history last edited by Doug Peterson 15 years, 11 months ago

With all of the work that you put into designing your digital presence, you still have room to add more.

Google Clock
Gadgets powered by Google


Let's do it! First of all, you need to head over to the Google gadgets page. The link can be found here. There are hundreds of these things!

There's a cute little spider gadget that has a spider walking around following your cursor. Let's get that.



Click the button to "Add to your webpage".

Often, the developer will let you customize the gadget before it goes live into your webpage. Go ahead and play with it until you get the perfect gadget and then "Get the Code".


You're just a few seconds away...


A window will open with the actual code that will make the magic happen. Select the code and copy it. It's really simple. Just click in the middle of the code somewhere and CTRL-A will select it all, and CTRL-C will copy it.


Now, we have to put this code into your webpage.


Again, not a terribly difficult thing. Just position the cursor where you would like the gadget to appear and switch from "Design" mode to "Code" mode. You're now looking at the raw HTML of your webpage. Not to worry. Your cursor is exactly where the gadget will appear, right? CTRL-V will paste it into place. Switch back to "Design" mode and the deed is done.



You won't see the actual gadget in action until you save your webpage and view it in a browser. Oh, the anticipation!

Here's my spider. Feel free to play with him/her with your cursor.

Gadgets powered by Google


Now that you're armed with this new technique, feel free to add your own content to your resource and make it that much more interesting.


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