Grand Finale

Grand Finale: Putting it all together


Below is a collection of images of various sizes and potential.  Your job is to create a collage of the images by using the various techniques that we've addressed in this workshop.  Be creative. 


Then, go to work on images of your own.


 Before  After


Using all of your techniques accumulated so far, let's put it all together and create a collage from the images included with this workshop.


1) Open sunsetsm.jpg

Will be used as main background

2) Open dave.jpg

Ellipitical Marquee, feather edge (15 pixels), Cut/Paste,
Scale (Image=>Transform=>Free Transform), Position

3) Open eel1.jpg

Image=>Rotate=>Flip Horizontal; clone stamp

4) Open mariandan.jpg

Filter=>Render=> Lens Flare; clone stamp 

5) Open crab.jpg

Reduce image size to half original; clone stamp

6) Open boatsm.jpg

Rubber stamp (50% opacity)

7) Apply a frame

Finally, apply a frame from the effects window!


Check out my Alamo Pictures