Another element of being your own publisher and creating content to share over the internet ... Podcasting. Here, we're not using the written word, but rather than the spoken word to comment, express opinions, comment, narrate, relate, retell, ... in fact when you podcast, you are your own internet radio host. Like traditional radio, you broadcast or post to the world and you really don't know who you audience ultimately will be. Unlike traditional radio, your internet radio show made be downloaded and played back on computer or a portable music device like an iPod for listening at a later time and also over and over.
There are thousands of podcasts available if you know where to look. Traditional media uses it as another outlet for their message. Schools use it in Communication Technology courses but the concept isn't limited there. An individual radio show may be a media file stored in MP3 or other audio format. When you produce your show on a regular basis, you create episodes and you'll let your listeners know of updates via an RSS feed. Your listeners "subscribe" to your RSS feed and download updated episodes as you make them available.
As with word processing or spreadsheet documents, there are file formats that promote the universality of access. In order for your podcast to be enjoyed by others, you must save your episodes in a format that others can use. The common format isMP3. This is a compressed audio format that balances a small size with high quality audio.
RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary" or probably other things. Bottom line, it is a file that captures the critical details about your podcast so that your visitors know where they may access your episodes. Your visitors can use a separate utility likeiTunesto keep track, they may use a utility likeGoogle's Reader, or modern web browsers likeInternet ExplorerorFirefoxhave this functionality built into them. RSS can be a little intimidating at first, but makes a great deal of sense to your RSS reader. Depending upon where you post your podcast, you may not even need to know the technical details.
If you don't use the FirstClass recorder, you will need a software package to record your podcast. There a number of really good product like Garageband to do this. An excellent free and open source software package for the purpose is Audacity. Audacity is available for Macintosh, Linux, and Windows. You can download Audacity from: Audacity should be installed on computers on our networks. Make sure that you also download the LAME MP3 encoder.
There are some limitations with FirstClass that make learning how to use Audacity an attractive option.
Locate the internal microphone on your computer or connect and test your external microphone. If you are going to do this quite often, purchasing a USB microphone is an excellent idea.
Make sure that there are no background noises to interrupt your production. Bells, buzzers, announcements, students, ... This may well be the most challenging issue. Perhaps the instructions should read "minimize background noises"!
Position your script in an easy position to read. i.e. not between your mouth and the microphone.
The easiest way to create a podcast is in a single recording. However, Audacity will allow you to record multiple segments and merge them together to produce a final product.
For professional results, consider musical introductions and segues. Respect copyright limitations of artists and their distributors. Read the acceptable use restrictions at various sites. For example, the resources at Free Play Music may NOT be used in a podcast. Sources you may consider include:, or Wikimedia Commons.
Practice makes perfect. Retakes are easily done. Even consider a blooper reel!
Make sure that you know the name of your Podcast file. You'll need to know it when creating your RSS feed.
Step Three
Creating the RSS Feed
You now have to find some way for your listeners to find and to subscribe to your Podcast. With an appropriate browser or reader, you will want to broadcast information about your episodes.
If you are using FirstClass, it's easy. FirstClass creates the RSS feed for you automatically. Any visitor to your website will see the notification of an RSS feed right in the browser. Or, if you are using an RSS reader, the feed needs to be entered.
If you are not using and posting through FirstClass, you'll need to create your own RSS feed. Fortunately, there are a number of wizards available to take care of the technical details. Here's one. Fill in the blanks and let the wizard create the feed for you.
So, you've created the podcast and your feed. What's next? Getting it onto the web.
Again, if you're using FirstClass, you are done. The content is already stored on the server and the RSS feed is already created. Just advertise your feed!
You might consider posting your podcast to an online service. Check out:
Doing it yourself. Not a terribly difficult task. Determine just where on your website you will be uploading the podcast. You'll need to know that.
Decide what page will host the information about your podcast. Usually it will be your index page or you may have a special Podcast page. On that page, you'll have to add the following line. It will let incoming browsers know 1) that there's an RSS feed, and 2) where the podcast is stored. The line will be between <head> and </head> and is only entered the first time you create the file. From this point on, you just modify the RSS feed.
<linkrel="alternate"type="application/rss+xml"title="Name of your feed"href="http://<address to your RSS file.">
<linkrel="alternate"type="application/rss+xml"title="GEC Computers in the Classroom Podcasts Feed"href="">
Step Five
Finally, proudly let everyone (including me) know of your Podcast. There's no sense creating the next great radio show and not having an audience.
Podcasting Ideas
Record a Podcast of the Morning Announcements and post directly to the school website so that those not in attendance and parents know what's going on.
Create a trailer after a class reads a book to summarize the plot and key points.
Create a podcast to go along with a recipe in cooking class.
Use a podcast to retell a story read in class.
Create your own radio commercials.
Summarize a lesson and post to a class website so that those who missed class can get caught up.
Create a podcast to complement class or personal blogs.
Create a podcast to post an interview with guest speakers, other teachers, or the principal about a topic of the day.
Document how to perform a particular task.
Take your jokes and riddles to the web.
Play a historical role and explain to your listeners what you discovered and how you did it. - The goal of TPN is to bring together talented and committed podcasters from around the world to produce high quality programming for a global audience. - Junk Mail Galaxy is a video podcast specifically about the direct marketing industry offering up to date news, tech tips, expert analysis and commentary."> - Business tips, tricks and strategy, presented concisely and to the point. Business Smarts To Go! - VOX Talk is your connection to the voice industry covering news about voice-overs and voice actors, hot tips on how to grow your voice-over business, technology, and Q&A with the experts at - Voice Over Experts features lectures from the best and brightest in the voice over industry. Tips for your voice, advice on marketing, and opinions on the industry today. - Excellent instructional Podcast that provides conversational Japanese lessons AND lesson plans in PDF. - Great podcast of song covers. While not every cover you hear is a winner there are some gems in every show. (+1) - Manager Tools provides great information for anyone leading a team or managing other people. Real, action based, solutions to business and process problems. - An eclectic music podcast that focuses on podsafe music from a variety of genres, as well as minimal but witty commentary from the host.
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