There is so much functionality built into Bitstrips for Schools that it has the possibility to be used in so many places and in so many ways. Prediction and inference are two activities that can be used for all learners to really think about a story, story boarding, timelines, characters, settings, relationships, etc.
Education World has a great lesson plan for prediction here. It’s very easy to see how it can be modified to include a comic from Bitstrips for Schools. As an example, I have created this strip.

I have shared the activity with others on the system. As I think about it, I can think of all kinds of possibilites.
retelling of a story studied in class;
exploring alternative endings for a story;
explaining a physical education activity;
documenting a science experiment;
and the list goes on and on…
If you’re an Ontario educator with your Ministry licensed account or another other educator who has purchased an account for your students, why not create your own ideas and share them with everyone else?
This could grow exponentially as we have some of the best educational minds taking a shared lead in the implementation of this powerful program.
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