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Sequencing and Storytelling

Page history last edited by Doug Peterson 14 years, 10 months ago

Sequencing and Storytelling



One of the marvelous things about having a SMART Board and the Notebook software at your beck and call is the ability to just do so much more creative things.  As we work with stories, graphic novels, comics, etc., the concept of sequencing, prediction, and inference are incredibly important and powerful skills for students.

So, why not marry the two?

One of the things that the SMART Notebook software does so nicely is play .FLV (Flash Video) files.  These are the media of the web and the Notebook software plays them with ease.  Just go to the Insert Menu and select Flash Video File.


Sit back and very passively you can watch a movie, just like at a Drive-In theater.


But, there’s so much more that you can do.


At the bottom of the movie, you have a scrubber bar that lets you move to any point within your movie.  That’s kind of neat.  Sort of like having a Tivo and skipping commercials.  BUT as you’re creating this lesson, while you’re on that image, click the pause button.  Movie pauses.  Next step?

Click on the camera to bring up the screen capture tool, and while you have that image on the screen, use the tool to capture the frame.  If you have the “Capture to new page” option checked, you’ll get the image that you just captured on a new page in your notebook.  Repeat the process as you go through and grab key and memorable moments from your movie.


What to do now?


You’re now only limited by your imagination.


Here are some suggestion…


  1. Play the movie in its entirety and then use the images that you captured on separate pages to go through and summarize the movie by using the images as discussion starters;

  2. Play the movie up to your capture point and then pause the movie.  Skip to your capture images and predict what will happen next and record the ideas.  Return to the movie and see what really happens;

  3. Drag all of the screen captures to a single slide and then mix them up.  Can the students drag the images to the proper order in order to retell the story?

With such imagery and a good educational video, you’re only restricted by your ability to generate new ideas.  Can you add to the list? 



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