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Current topics:
3D Effects in SMART Notebooks
100th Day of School
8 Weeks to Web 2.0
A Bunch of Flock Add-ons
A PDF Machine
A Visual Seating Plan
ACSE Summer Presentation
Adding Media to an Object in Notebook
BeFunky Instructions (Student Created)
Bing Searches
Bit.ly Bundles
Blog to Newsletter
Blogging on FirstClass
Clay Animation Resources
Converting X Files
Create a survey in Google Docs
Create Your Own Ripley's Believe It or Not
Creating Hot Spots in a Notebook Document
Creating a PBWiki page with the Earth Hour Clock
Cropping Wordles
David Warlick in Kitchener (My live blog)
Data Virtualization
Do You Google?
Dropbox as a Handin Folder
- Another Hand-in Option
Elementary Vice-Principal Conference
Embedding a Prezi into PBWorks
Embedding a Twitter Widget
Experimenting with the Evri Visualization Search
Eight Weeks To Web 2
Favourite Web 2 Tools
Freshly Minted Software (ECOO 2009 Presentation)
Gadgets for your website
Google Search - Now With More Options
Instructional Writing with Comic Life
Is Your District Here?
The Internet in Your Classroom
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Elements
iPod, iPhone, and iPad in the Classroom
Jimmy Wales on TED about Wikipedia
Leading with Lollypops
Learn 360 Embed into SMART Notebook
MeSpace at Benson Library
New Teachers' Jeopardy
Obama's Education Speech
Ontario Edubloggers LiveBinder
Ontario Educators Interactive
Ontario Educator Meetups
Ontario PLN Timeline
OPSBA Presentation - Web That Works
OSLA Hockey Faceoff
PBWiki Workshop Presentation
Prediction with Bitstrips
ReadWrite Web
Sequencing and Storytelling
Showing Your Flickr Photostream
Shrinking URLs
Sites that should make you go Hmmm
Social Media Counter
Social Media Counts
Social Reading
SMART Board Resources
Straw Poll
Streaming Resources
Testing your home internet connection
The Best PD
Think Literacy Presentation
Tips for Playing FLV Videos in the Classroom
Twitter Resources
URL Shorteners
Using Zamzar to Collect Movies Offline
Web 1.0, Web 2.0, --- Web 3.0
Where You Can Get Software
Zoe and Doug Faceoff at Maxwell
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