
Social Reading

Page history last edited by Doug Peterson 11 years, 3 months ago

Here is an annotation of the slides that go with my presentation from the #ECOO13 Conference.  At the bottom of the page is the Google Presentation that I used.  I had originally planned to use SlideIdea on the iPad but decided to present from my laptop so that I could use wired internet. 


Slide 1 - Title


Slide 2 - I read in bed!


Slide 3 - How do you share your good reads?  I've shared and been the beneficiary of sharing all my career.  Biggest insight was from the Teacher Librarian at my school.  He would read newspapers and relevant articles to our mailboxes.  We've come a long way since then.  In a digital world, sharing is so much easier!


Slide 4 - I've always been a reader throughout my life.  The most recent case where it helped was filling in for a pregnancy leave at the university.  The students were to blog but they didn't know about what!  So, I started sharing things via Twitter and told them to follow me and blog about one of the topics that I shared.  It turned out that there were others other than the class that started to read what I was sharing and I got a lot of flack when I stopped.  So, I restarted.


Slide 5 - There are opportunities to share what you're reading and thinking about via many social media platforms.


Slide 6 - I talked about my social media flow.  I drew a chart that showed my reading in the cloud and what I do with it.  For me, it's more than just a quick read.  I want to share it and I also want to keep track of it.  By sharing to Twitter, I have Packrati.us monitor my Twitter feed.  Every time I send a Twitter message that contains a link, it gets posted to my Diigo account.  The advantage of doing this?  Because it ends up in Diigo, it means that I've read it at least once and found that it was good.  Now that it's in Diigo, I've bookmarked it.  With modern browsers like Firefox or Google Chrome, I can make my Diigo account my search engine.  Now, when I look for something, I search there first knowing that I've already previewed the content.  In effect, the links are almost always guaranteed to be a good source.


Slide 7 - The neat thing is that people on Twitter can learn along with you.  Check the activity of your account when you've sent a Twitter message and you'll see that some people will have retweeted or favourited the resource.


Slide 8 - Some of the tools that I use.


Slide 9 - Zite - Major reading source which searches the web based on content, not necessarily an RSS feed.  Zite finds resources that I would never find otherwise.  It needs to be filtered but great resources can be "thumbed up" so that you see more of that content.


Slide 10 - Rockmelt - I loved it as a browser; I loved it as a social reading program.  Recently, it was acquired by Yahoo! and retired but I keep it in the slide deck on the hope that Yahoo! brings it back in some incarnation.


Slide 11-18 - Other reading sources - Learnist, NewsSquares, Pulse Reader, Flipboard, Trapit all serve as great collector of stories for me.  The key is to seed the types of stories and the type of news feed that I want.  They all do their job and bring in news stories for me.  I spread the sources around because we are dependent on a resource that will be there when we need it.  Should one of these go away, (oh no), I'll have the others.  I don't have all my eggs in one basket.  I also demonstrated Alltop and Popurls since I was in a browser already.


Slide 19 - But that's me.  I'm a proud member of an educational community that is also reading and sharing resources.  I use Paper.li to generate newspapers highlighting what others are reading.  Combine this with my stuff is a great way to stay informed.


Slide 20 - Ontario Educators - It's easy to get overwhelmed by content from other countries.  I think it's important to stay on top of what's happening in Ontario.  As I find new blogs from Ontario folks, I'll add them to this Livebinder.


Slide 21 - I think it's important that you reflect on your reading.  I would encourage all learners to start their own blog to comment on articles or create new ones of your own.  If you're using D2L though eLearningOntario, why not blog there?  Or at any of the major reliable blogging platforms.


Slide 22 - Sharing.  That's what it's all about.  I really believe that if it's good enough for you to read and learn from, it's good enough for others as well.


Slide 23 - Filtering is a key skill.  Will Richardson made a great point once - Zite filters EdTech, I filter Zite, all he has to do is filter me.  (Good luck with that, Will)


Slide 24 - Call to Action - I hope that people in the session consider sharing their learning as well.  When we all share, we all benefit and grow because of it.


Slide 25 - Links to the resources that I shared.


Since I did the presentation in my browser, I also shared Alltop and Popurls that happened to be open at the time.


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